Bitesize Modern C++

The C++11 standard marked a fundamental change to the C++ language. A range of new language constructs and library features were added and, as a result, new idioms were developed. Bjarne Stroustrup, originator of C++, referred to it as “feeling like a completely new language”.

In 2014 a revision of the standard was released with refinements to C++11 features and some new constructs, designed to improve the usability of the language; another revision is planned for 2017.

Traditionally, C++ programmers refer to their language version by the standard release year (so, C++98, C++03) but, as C++11 marked such a fundamental shift in the programming style of C++ (and as revisions are coming out more frequently) people are starting to refer to C++ post-2011 as ‘Modern C++’

In the embedded world Modern C++ has had comparatively little take-up, possibly due to a lack of embedded compiler support. Slowly, though, this is beginning to change.

There is a huge amount of material available on Modern C++. It has been explored, examined and dissected by experts for nearly five year. However, for the C++ programmer just starting to transition to Modern C++ a lot of this material can be somewhat overwhelming. For many it can be difficult to find a simple place just to start.

And that’s the idea behind these articles.

We wanted to present simple introductions to the new features in Modern C++ – ones that are useful for programmers currently using C++98. These are not the big, headline features – lambda expressions, move semantics, etc. – but the ‘little’ additions that can make you more productive and your programs more elegant and maintainable.

The other thing we wanted to avoid was TMI – Too Much Information. These articles are not meant to be definitive; they don’t explore every last quirk and corner-case. You won’t be an expert after reading these articles. Their purpose is simply to get you started; to give you a jumping-off place for all the excellent, detailed information out there.

For those who can’t wait the full set of articles will be available to download as a PDF


Glennan Carnie
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Glennan is an embedded systems and software engineer with over 20 years experience, mostly in high-integrity systems for the defence and aerospace industry.

He specialises in C++, UML, software modelling, Systems Engineering and process development.

About Glennan Carnie

Glennan is an embedded systems and software engineer with over 20 years experience, mostly in high-integrity systems for the defence and aerospace industry. He specialises in C++, UML, software modelling, Systems Engineering and process development.
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2 Responses to Bitesize Modern C++

  1. Jonnathan Kim says:

    Your tutorial style articles on lambdas and auto's type-deduction were SUPER! Thank you.
    Is there an updated link for the "full set of articles" pdf mentioned above?

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  2. Thanks - we have updated the link so you can now download the pdf.

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