Developing a Generic Hard Fault handler for ARM Cortex-M3/Cortex-M4

This posting assumes you that you have a working ARM Cortex-M3 base project in Keil uVision. If not, please see the “howto” video: Creating ARM Cortex-M3 CMSIS Base Project in uVision

Divide by zero error

Given the following C function

int div(int lho, int rho)
    return lho/rho;

called from main with these arguments

int main(void)
   int a = 10;
   int b = 0;
   int c;
   c = div(a, b);
   // other code

You would expect a hardware “divide-by-zero” (div0) error. Possibly surprisingly, by default the Cortex-M3 will not report the error but return zero.

Configuration and Control Register (CCR)

To enable hardware reporting of div0 errors we need to configure the CCR. The CCR is part of the Cortex-M’s System Control Block (SCB) and controls entry trapping of divide by zero and unaligned accesses among other things. The CCR bit assignment for div0 is:

[4] DIV_0_TRP Enables faulting or halting when the processor executes an SDIV or UDIV instruction with a divisor of 0:0 = do not trap divide by 01 = trap divide by 0. When this bit is set to 0, a divide by zero returns a quotient of 0.

So to enable DIV_0_TRP, we can use CMSIS definitions for the SCB and CCR, as in:

SCB->CCR |= 0x10;

If we now build and run the project you will need to stop execution as it will appear to run forever. When execution is stopped you’ll find debugger stopped in the file startup_ARMCM3.s in the CMSIS default Hard Fault exception handler:


Override The Default Hard Fault_Handler

As all the exceptions handlers are build with “Weak” linkage in CMSIS, it is very easy to create your own Hard Fault handler. Simply define a function with the name “HardFault_Handler”, as in:

void HardFault_Handler(void)

If we now build, run and then stop the project, we’ll find the debugger will be looping in our new handler rather than the CMSIS default one (alternatively we could put a breakpoint at the while(1) line in the debugger).


Rather than having to enter breakpoints via your IDE, I like to force the processor to enter debug state automatically if a certain instruction is reached (a sort of debug based assert). Inserting the BKPT (breakpoint) ARM instruction in our code will cause the processor to enter debug state. The immediate following the opcode normally doesn’t matter (but always check) except it shouldn’t be 0xAB (which is used for semihosting).

#include "ARMCM3.h" 
void HardFault_Handler(void)
  __ASM volatile("BKPT #01"); 

If we now build and run, the program execution should break automatically at the BKPT instruction.


Error Message Output

The next step in developing the fault handler is the ability to report the fault. One option is, of course, to use stdio (stderr) and semihosting. However, as the support for semihosting can vary from compiler to compiler, I prefer to use Instrumented Trace Macrocell (ITM) utilizing the CMSIS wrapper function ITM_SendChar, e.g.

void printErrorMsg(const char * errMsg)
   while(*errMsg != ''){



Fault Reporting

Now that we have a framework for the Hard Fault handler, we can start reporting on the actual fault details. Within the Cortex-M3’s System Control Block (SCB) is the HardFault Status Register (SCB->HFSR). Luckily again for use, CMSIS has defined symbols allowing us to access these register:

void HardFault_Handler(void)
   static char msg[80];
   printErrorMsg("In Hard Fault Handler\n");
   sprintf(msg, "SCB->HFSR = 0x%08x\n", SCB->HFSR);
   __ASM volatile("BKPT #01");

Building and running the application should now result in the following output:


By examining the HFSR bit configuration, we can see that the FORCED bit is set.


When this bit is set to 1, the HardFault handler must read the other fault status registers to find the cause of the fault.

Configurable Fault Status Register (SCB->CFSR)

A forced hard fault may be caused by a bus fault, a memory fault, or as in our case, a usage fault. For brevity, here I am only going to focus on the Usage Fault and cover the Bus and Memory faults in a later posting (as these have additional registers to access for details).


So given what we know to date, our basic Fault Handler:

  • checks if the FORCED bit is set ( if ((SCB->HFSR & (1 << 30)) != 0) )
  • prints out the contents of the CFSR
void HardFault_Handler(void)
   static char msg[80];
   printErrorMsg("In Hard Fault Handler\n");
   sprintf(msg, "SCB->HFSR = 0x%08x\n", SCB->HFSR);
   if ((SCB->HFSR & (1 << 30)) != 0) {
       printErrorMsg("Forced Hard Fault\n");
       sprintf(msg, "SCB->CFSR = 0x%08x\n", SCB->CFSR );
   __ASM volatile("BKPT #01");

Running the application should now result in the following output:


The output indicated that bit 25 of the UsageFault Status Register (UFSR) part of the CFSR is set.

UsageFault Status Register

The bit configuration of the UFSR is shown below, and unsurprisingly the outpur shows that bit 9 (DIVBYZERO) is set.


We can now extend the HardFault handler to mask the top half of the CFSR, and if not zero then further report on those flags, as in:

void HardFault_Handler(void)
   static char msg[80];
   printErrorMsg("In Hard Fault Handler\n");
   sprintf(msg, "SCB->HFSR = 0x%08x\n", SCB->HFSR);
   if ((SCB->HFSR & (1 << 30)) != 0) {
       printErrorMsg("Forced Hard Fault\n");
       sprintf(msg, "SCB->CFSR = 0x%08x\n", SCB->CFSR );
       if((SCB->CFSR & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) {
   __ASM volatile("BKPT #01");
void printUsageErrorMsg(uint32_t CFSRValue)
   printErrorMsg("Usage fault: ");
   CFSRValue >>= 16;                  // right shift to lsb
   if((CFSRValue & (1 << 9)) != 0) {
      printErrorMsg("Divide by zero\n");

A run should now result in the following output:


Register dump

One final thing we can do as part of any fault handler is to dump out known register contents as they were at the time of the exception. One really useful feature of the Cortex-M architecture is that a core set of registers are automatically stacked (by the hardware) as part of the exception handling mechanism. The set of stacked registers is shown below:


Using this knowledge in conjunction with AAPCS we can get access to these register values. First we modify our original HardFault handler by:

  • modifying it’s name to “Hard_Fault_Handler”
  • adding a parameter declared as an array of 32–bit unsigned integers.
void Hard_Fault_Handler(uint32_t stack[])

Based on AAPCS rules, we know that the parameter label (stack) will map onto register r0. We now implement the actual HardFault_Handler. This function simply copies the current Main Stack Pointer (MSP) into r0 and then branches to our Hard_Fault_Handler (this is based on ARM/Keil syntax):

__asm void HardFault_Handler(void) 
  MRS r0, MSP
  B __cpp(Hard_Fault_Handler) 

Finally we implement a function to dump the stack values based on their relative offset, e.g.

enum { r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, lr, pc, psr};

void stackDump(uint32_t stack[])
   static char msg[80];
   sprintf(msg, "r0  = 0x%08x\n", stack[r0]);  printErrorMsg(msg);
   sprintf(msg, "r1  = 0x%08x\n", stack[r1]);  printErrorMsg(msg);
   sprintf(msg, "r2  = 0x%08x\n", stack[r2]);  printErrorMsg(msg);
   sprintf(msg, "r3  = 0x%08x\n", stack[r3]);  printErrorMsg(msg);
   sprintf(msg, "r12 = 0x%08x\n", stack[r12]); printErrorMsg(msg);
   sprintf(msg, "lr  = 0x%08x\n", stack[lr]);  printErrorMsg(msg);
   sprintf(msg, "pc  = 0x%08x\n", stack[pc]);  printErrorMsg(msg);
   sprintf(msg, "psr = 0x%08x\n", stack[psr]); printErrorMsg(msg);

This function can then be called from the Fault handler, passing through the stack argument. Running the program should result is the following output:


Examining the output, we can see that the program counter (pc) is reported as being the value 0x00000272, giving us the opcode generating the fault. If we disassemble the image using the command:

fromelf -c CM3_Fault_Handler.axf —output listing.txt

By trawling through the listing (listing.txt) we can see the SDIV instruction at offending line (note also r2 contains 10 and r1 the offending 0).

0x00000270: 4602          MOV r2,r0
0x00000272: fb92f0f1      SDIV r0,r2,r1
0x00000276: 4770          BX lr

Finally, if you’re going to use the privilege/non–privilege model, you’ll need to modify the HardFault_Handler to detect whether the exception happened in Thread mode or Handler mode. This can be achieved by checking bit 3 of the HardFault_Handler’s Link Register (lr) value. Bit 3 determines whether on return from the exception, the Main Stack Pointer (MSP) or Process Stack Pointer (PSP) is used.

__asm void HardFault_Handler(void)
  TST lr, #4     // Test for MSP or PSP
  B __cpp(Hard_Fault_Handler)

In a later post I shall develop specific handler for all three faults.


  1. The initial model for fault handling can be found in Joseph Yiu’s excellent book “The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3
  2. The code shown was built using the ARM/Keil MDK-ARM Version 4.60 development environment (a 32Kb size limited evaluation is available from the Keil website)
  3. The code, deliberately, has not been refactored to remove the hard-coded (magic) values.
  4. Code available on GitHub at git://
Niall Cooling
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Co-Founder and Director of Feabhas since 1995.
Niall has been designing and programming embedded systems for over 30 years. He has worked in different sectors, including aerospace, telecomms, government and banking.
His current interest lie in IoT Security and Agile for Embedded Systems.

About Niall Cooling

Co-Founder and Director of Feabhas since 1995. Niall has been designing and programming embedded systems for over 30 years. He has worked in different sectors, including aerospace, telecomms, government and banking. His current interest lie in IoT Security and Agile for Embedded Systems.
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24 Responses to Developing a Generic Hard Fault handler for ARM Cortex-M3/Cortex-M4

  1. Pingback: Sticky Bits » Developing a Generic Hard Fault handler for ARM Cortex-M3/Cortex-M4 « Balau

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  6. harshan says:

    Excellent Post nice work sir,
    May i know what is hardware break point and software breakpoints as well as hardware watch point and software watch point in cortex m3, how could i set those things with a clear explanation,i searched alot but most of the websites and arm technical manual. all are saying that there are comparators existed which will compare the program counter with address we supply so that when even the address matched with pc automatically break will arise and core will halt and ready to debug. but i didn't find any practical example. Could you suggest me any reference or explain if possible how to do it??
    Thanking you Sir,

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  7. Hi Harshan,
    A hardware breakpoint on a Cortex-M is usually performed by using the Flash Patch and Breakpoint Unit (FPB). Software breakpoints typically use BPKT instruction (as does the semihosting debug support). The ARM documentation covers these in more detail. Watchpoints are specific to an individual debug engine. I'd suggest Joseph Yiu's book on the Cortex-M as the best source of information about the family of processors. Otherwise try the ARM Connected Community site for more specific questions.

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  8. harshan says:

    Thanks For Reply,
    actually i am implementing serial wire debugger.
    in Joseph Yiu's book he explained about hardware break point which can be done with flash patch and break-point unit and not much about software break point where could i found the information regarding software break point and steps to follow to set software break-point on target??

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  9. Mark Lazarewicz says:


    BKPT #imm
    • ‘imm’ is an expression evaluating to an integer in the range 0-255 (8-bit value).
    The BKPT instruction causes the processor to enter Debug state. Debug tools can use this
    to investigate system state when the instruction at a particular address is reached.
    imm is ignored by the processor. If required, a debugger can use it to store additional
    information about the breakpoint.
    The BKPT instruction can be placed inside an IT block, but it executes unconditionally,
    unaffected by the condition specified by the IT instruction.
    Condition flags
    This instruction does not change the flags.
    BKPT 0xAB ; Breakpoint with immediate value set to 0xAB (debugger can
    ; extract the immediate value by locating it using the PC)

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  10. harshan says:

    after hitting the break point the target is halting successfully. if i reset the target then it again run from the starting and break when the break point hits but it don't continue, how should i continue the target after core was halted ??

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  11. Alex Lennon says:

    Really useful. Thanks very much.

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  12. vallinath says:

    good blog
    need a information if i want to safe the stack dump values to a data flash is it possible
    ex : few register such as PC, SP on fault

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  13. admin says:

    The PC and SP are part of the available set, so you can dump all the registers to NVM

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  14. Jon Newbill says:

    If I breakpoint on printErrorMsg() I see the error message text in the debugger but I'm not seeing the output from the calls to ITM_SendChar(). Where does this appear? Is it a special debug window in uVision integrated development environment? I'm using uVision V5.20.0.0.

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  15. Hi Jon,
    No there isn't it should appear in the standard terminal/console window.

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  16. girishkumar says:

    Wow !!! really are great post well explained, from the basics,.. than any text book -so simple and easy to understand

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  17. Great stuff ! Thanks for writing and sharing it !

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  18. Gary Rogers says:

    Hi, thanks for posting this, very useful, great clarity.

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  19. Tanas Csabina says:

    Nice post, really useful!
    I am wondering if the mentioned follow up articles are already available? For the separate fault handlers...

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  20. admin says:

    Hi Tanas, Thanks for asking. Unfortunately these are still on the blog backlog. I still do intend to get around to them, and also to update this article.

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  21. Eduardo Cardoso says:

    Is this valid for STM32F407ZET6?

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  22. Hi Eduardo,

    This code should be valid for any ARMv7-M (M3 & M4) so should work on the F407. I haven't checked it recently, and it may require modification for your toolchain if you're not using Keil (I plan to update it for GCC at some point).


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  23. Andy Piper says:

    Hey Niall,

    Good stuff! I am looking to do something similar but I want to return from the fault handler to a known location in the function that triggered the fault by manipulating the return address. I have really struggled to find any definitive description of what this looks like. Any clues?

    void my_func() {
    // do stuff that might trigger a BusFault
    // I want to return here

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  24. Not really - it would be very difficult from a code perspective as the offset from the start of the function will be different per function. You could play some games regarding a -ve offset from the previous function, but that would get quite challenging. You might want to look at CException and see what they get up too and the setjmp/longjump ideas od using stack pointe storage - but it certainly isn't going to be easy.

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