Author Archives: Martin Bond

About Martin Bond

An independent IT trainer Martin has over 40 years academic and commercial experience in open systems software engineering. He has worked with a range of technologies from real time process controllers, through compilers, to large scale parallel processing systems; and across multiple sectors including industrial systems, semi-conductor manufacturing, telecomms, banking, MoD, and government.

CMake Presets


When we developed the CMake based toolchain for our training projects  we used a shell script to simplify invoking the cmake command line. CMake 3.19 added a presets feature that allows us to define command line parameters in a CMakeSettings.json file which can be used in place of using multiple command parameters.

In previous articles about CMake we have shown how we need to specify  command line parameters to use CMake with an embedded target  toolchain (see CMake Part 3). To […]

Posted in ARM, Build-systems, C/C++ Programming, Toolchain | Leave a comment

C++20 Coroutine Iterators

In my first blog post about C++20 Coroutines I introduced the concepts behind a synchronous or generator style coroutine and developed a template class to support coroutines for any data type.

In this post I’ll add an iterator to the template to support the range-for loop and iterative algorithms. You may want to review that post before reading this one but the following code should act as a reminder about how to write and use a coroutine to read two floating […]

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C++20 Coroutines

C++20 Coroutines

There seems to be a lot of confusion around the implementation of C++20 coroutines, which I think is due to the draft technical specification for C++20 stating that coroutines are a work in progress so we can’t expect full compiler and library support at this point in time.

A lot of the problems probably arise from the lack of official documentation about working with coroutines. We have been given C++ syntax support for coroutines (the co_yield and co_return) but without […]

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CMake Part 4 – Windows 10 Host


In previous blog posts in this series (Part 1,  Part 2 and Part 3), I looked at using CMake on a Linux host to configure a build to cross compile to target hardware such as the STM32F4 Series.

In this post, we’ll work with the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain on a Windows 10 Host.

The first part of this blog discusses running the Windows hosted versions of CMake, GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain and GNU Make. An alternative approach, briefly discussed at the […]

Posted in ARM, Build-systems, C/C++ Programming, CMSIS, Cortex, Toolchain | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

CMake Part 3 – Source File Organisation


In previous blog posts in this series (Part 1 and Part 2), I looked at using CMake to configure a build for a cross compilation to target hardware such as the STM32F4 Series. In this blog post I will look at how to configure project source code, identify subsystems and use CMake to manage the build for each subsystem.

In our training courses, we have identified two shared subsystems: the bare metal code used to initialise the C/C++ run time system […]

Posted in ARM, Build-systems, C/C++ Programming, CMSIS, Cortex, Toolchain | Tagged , | 3 Comments

CMake Part 2 – Release and Debug builds


In my previous blog post CMake Part – The Dark Arts I discussed how to configure CMake to cross-compile to target hardware such as our STM32F407 Discovery board.

We looked at the minimum requirements to configure the CMake build generator for a cross-compilation project using a project definition file (CMakeLists.txt), a toolchain definition file (toolchain-STM32F407.cmake). The CMake commands used to generate and build the project are:

cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain-STM32F407.cmake
cmake –build build

In the real world, projects are never as simple […]

Posted in ARM, Build-systems, C/C++ Programming, Cortex, General, Toolchain | Tagged , | 10 Comments

CMake Part 1 – The Dark Arts


In our previous post Why We Need Build Systems we examined the need for Build Systems in modern software development. In this post we will examine how to use CMake to mange the build process for a cross compilation project.

CMake can be described as a marmite application: you either love it or hate it. Here at Feabhas, we find ourselves falling in the latter category, despite the fact the CMake is widely used within the embedded and deeply embedded development […]

Posted in ARM, Build-systems, C/C++ Programming, Cortex, Toolchain | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Why We Need Build Systems

Build systems were developed to simplify and automate running the compiler and linker and are an essential part of modern software development. This blog post is a precursor to future posts discussing our experiences refactoring the training projects to use the CMake build generator.

Using Build Systems

Build systems can be standalone command line applications such as  Make, Scons and Ninja; or part of an (Integrated Development Environment IDE) like Visual Studio , XCode or IAR Workbench.

Configuring build systems for a project […]

Posted in Build-systems, C/C++ Programming, Toolchain | 8 Comments

Python 3 File Paths

If you’ve used Python for a while you will probably be familiar with the os module for working with files and directories; often called pathnames by Linux users. In moving to Python 3 you may continue to use the same os and os.path functions from Python 2.7, however a new pathlib module provides an alternative object-oriented (OO) approach.

In this posting, we examine the common file handling situations; comparing the OO approach of pathlib against the procedural approach of os functions.

Current […]

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Python 3 Unicode and Byte Strings

A notable difference between Python 2 and Python 3 is that character data is stored using Unicode instead of bytes. It is quite likely that when migrating existing code and writing new code you may be unaware of this change as most string algorithms will work with either type of representation; but you cannot intermix the two.

If you are working with web service libraries such as urllib (formerly urllib2) and requests, network sockets, binary files, or serial I/O with pySerial  […]

Posted in Python, Python3 | 2 Comments