Previously, we looked at some of the foundational C++ code kata – that is, elements of C++ coding that are absolutely key to master if you’re going to be programming in C++.
Practice makes perfect, part 1 – Code kata
Practice makes perfect, part 2 – foundation kata
In this article I want to introduce what I call ‘idiomatic’ kata. These exercises have a bit more latitude (and variation) in how they can be implemented. In that respect they are closer to traditional code kata. The idea with these kata is to reinforce C++ constructs that aren’t encountered quite so often in typical C++ programming and so are more easily forgotten (or even avoided)
There’s no order to these kata. None is more important than any other.
If you’re new to C++ there’s nothing wrong with practicing these exercises; but use them as a means to explore new language features. It’s good to learn how these idiomatic patterns work.
pImpl idiom
Why is this important?
Breaks dependencies between users of a class and its implementation
#include <memory> class ADT { public: ADT(); void op_A(); void op_B(); private: class Impl; std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl; }; ADT::ADT() : impl { std::make_unique<ADT::Impl>() } { } class ADT::Impl { public: void op_A() { /* ... */ } void op_B() { /* ... */ } }; void ADT::op_A() { impl->op_A(); } void ADT::op_B() { impl->op_B(); } int main() { ADT adt { }; adt.op_A(); }
Object adapter
Why is this important?
Provides a new interface for an existing utility
Read more here.
- Use interfaces for existing API and required API
class Service { public: virtual ~Service() = default; virtual void service1() = 0; virtual void service2() = 0; }; class Utility { public: void func1() { /* ... */ } void func2() { /* ... */ } protected: void helper_function() { /* ... */ } }; class Client { public: void run(); private: Service* server { nullptr }; friend void connect(Client& client, Service& srv); }; void Client::run() { server->service1(); } void connect(Client& client, Service& srv) { client.server = &srv; } class Object_adapter : public Service { protected: void service1() override { utility.func1(); } void service2() override { utility.func2(); } private: Utility utility { }; }; int main() { Client client { }; Object_adapter adapter { }; connect(client, adapter);; }
Class adapter
Why is this important?
Provides a new interface for an existing utility
Practical application of private inheritance
Useful for providing ‘subset’ interfaces of existing types
Simulates derived (non-substitutable) type, versus sub-typing (substitution)
- Use interfaces for existing API and required API
#include <vector> enum class Event { advisory, caution, warning }; class Event_list : private std::vector<Event> { public: using Base = std::vector<Event>; // Modified API // void add(Event e) { Base::push_back(e); } // Subset API // using Base::Base; using Base::begin; using Base::end; using Base::size; }; int main() { Event_list events { Event::warning, Event::warning, Event::caution }; for (auto e : events) { // ... } }
Circular buffer
Why is this important?
A fixed-size FIFO is not part of the STL
Very commonly used in embedded systems
A nice exercise for manipulation of iterators on containers
- Throw exceptions on empty/full
- Return tuple from ‘get’ function
- Return std::optional from ‘get’ function
- Support ‘add’ by move and copy
- Support ‘add’ by move and copy via perfect forwarding
- Make thread-safe (using an adapter)
#include <cstddef> #include <array> #include <optional> template<typename T = int, std::size_t sz = 8> class Buffer { public: Buffer() = default; template <typename U> bool add(U&& in_val); std::optional<T> get(); inline bool is_empty() const; inline std::size_t size() const; private: using Container = std::array<T, sz>; using Iterator = typename Container::iterator; Container buffer { }; Iterator read { std::begin(buffer) }; Iterator write { std::begin(buffer) }; unsigned num_items { 0 }; }; template<typename T, std::size_t sz> template<typename U> bool Buffer<T, sz>::add(U&& in_val) { if (num_items == sz) return false; *write = std::forward<U>(in_val); ++num_items; ++write; if (write == std::end(buffer)) write = std::begin(buffer); return true; } template<typename T, std::size_t sz> std::optional<T> Buffer<T, sz>::get() { if (num_items == 0) return std::nullopt; auto selected = read; --num_items; ++read; if (read == std::end(buffer)) read = std::begin(buffer); return std::move(*selected); } template<typename T, std::size_t sz> bool Buffer<T, sz>::is_empty() const { return (num_items == 0); } template<typename T, std::size_t sz> std::size_t Buffer<T, sz>::size() const { return num_items; }
Why is this important?
Implementation of UML ports
Allows a class to realize multiple interfaces without multiple inheritance
For more information have a look at this article.
- Delegate to an internal implementation
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Interface_1 { public: virtual ~Interface_1() = default; virtual void op() = 0; }; class Interface_2 { public: virtual ~Interface_2() = default; virtual void op() = 0; }; // Class Implementation cannot realize // both interfaces, so use a port for // each interface // class Implementation { private: class Port_1 : public Interface_1 { protected: void op() override { cout << "Port_1 realization" << endl; } }; class Port_2 : public Interface_2 { protected: void op() override { cout << "Port_2 realization" << endl; } }; public: // Port objects // Port_1 port_1 { }; Port_2 port_2 { }; }; class Client_1 { public: void run() { server->op(); } private: Interface_1* server { nullptr }; friend void connect(Client_1& client, Interface_1& srv); }; void connect(Client_1& client, Interface_1& srv) { client.server = &srv; } class Client_2 { public: void run() { server->op(); } private: Interface_2* server { nullptr }; friend void connect(Client_2& client, Interface_2& srv); }; void connect(Client_2& client, Interface_2& srv) { client.server = &srv; } int main() { Implementation impl { }; Client_1 client_1 { }; Client_2 client_2 { }; connect(client_1, impl.port_1); connect(client_2, impl.port_2);;; }
Copy-swap idiom
Why is this important?
Idiomatic implementation for deep-copy and move-semantics on resource-owning types.
- Implement move-only types
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> class Simple_string { public: Simple_string() = default; Simple_string(const char* str); friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Simple_string& str ); // Copy and move policy (deep-copy) // ~Simple_string(); Simple_string(const Simple_string& other); Simple_string(Simple_string&& other) noexcept; Simple_string& operator=(Simple_string rhs); friend void swap(Simple_string& lhs, Simple_string& rhs) noexcept; private: char* raw { nullptr }; }; Simple_string::Simple_string(const char* str) { if (str) { auto num_chars = strlen(str); raw = new char[ num_chars + 1 ]; strncpy(raw, str, num_chars); } } Simple_string::~Simple_string() { delete[] raw; } Simple_string::Simple_string(const Simple_string& other) : Simple_string { other.raw } { } Simple_string::Simple_string(Simple_string&& other) noexcept : Simple_string { } { swap(*this, other); } Simple_string& Simple_string::operator=(Simple_string rhs) { swap(*this, rhs); return *this; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Simple_string& str) { if (str.raw) os << str.raw; return os; } void swap(Simple_string& lhs, Simple_string& rhs) noexcept { using std::swap; swap(lhs.raw, rhs.raw); } int main() { Simple_string s1 { }; Simple_string s2 { "Hello world" }; s1 = s2; std::cout << s1 << std::endl; std::cout << s2 << std::endl; }
Variadic template function
Why is this important?
Reinforces syntax of variadic templates
- Add a non-variadic template parameter
- Add a non-template-type parameter
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T, typename... Other_Ty> void print(T&& first, Other_Ty&&... others) { cout << first << " "; print(std::forward<Other_Ty>(others)...); } // Overload with no parameters to // terminate template recursion // void print() { cout << endl; } int main() { print(1, 2, 14.7); print(34.5); print(); }
Variadic base classes
Why is this important?
Reinforces syntax of variadic templates
Useful implementation for mix-in classes
For an application of this technique, have a look at this article.
- Expose base class member functions
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename... Mixin_Ty> class Utility : public Mixin_Ty... { public: using Mixin_Ty::operator()...; }; class Feature1 { public: void operator()(int val) { cout << "Feature1 " << val << endl; } }; class Feature2 { public: void operator()() { cout << "Feature 2" << endl; } }; int main() { Utility<Feature1, Feature2> utility { }; utility(); utility(100); }
Class template deduction guide
Why is this important?
Simplifies template class code
Replaces factory functions in a lot of cases
Reinforces syntax.
For more information have a look at this article.
- Deduction guide for class with no constructor
- Deduction guide for class constructor with reference parameters
- Non-template-type deduction guide
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class ADT { public: ADT(const T& init) : value { init } { } void show_type() const { cout << typeid(value).name() << endl; } private: T value { }; }; // Deduction guide // template <typename T> ADT(T) -> ADT<T>; // Explicit deduction guide for // string literals. // ADT(const char*) -> ADT<std::string>; int main() { ADT adt1 { 55 }; // T => int ADT adt2 { 12.7 }; // T => double ADT adt3 { "Hello" }; // T => std::string adt1.show_type(); adt2.show_type(); adt3.show_type(); }
Forwarding reference idiom
Why is this important?
Forms the basis of ‘make’ functions
Allows ‘by-copy’ and ‘by-move’ variations of functions
- Use a variadic template function
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class ADT { public: ADT(int init) : value { init } { } void op() const { cout << value << endl; } private: int value { }; }; template <typename Made_Ty, typename... Param_Ty> Made_Ty make_thing(Param_Ty&&... arg) { return Made_Ty { std::forward<Param_Ty>(arg)... }; } int main() { auto val1 = make_thing<double>(100.7); auto val2 = make_thing<ADT>(100); }
Curiously Recurring Template Pattern
Why is this important?
CRTP is a counter-intuitive usage of templates.
Allows a template implementation of ‘static polymorphism’
Template implementation of ‘method chaining’
- Implement generic object counter
- Implement generic ABC
- Implement polymorphic chaining
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename Derived_Ty> class Base { public: void op1() { actual().op1_impl(); } void op2() { actual().op2_impl(); } private: void op1_impl() { cout << "Base op1" << endl; } void op2_impl() { cout << "Base op2" << endl; } // Helper function to improve readability // Derived_Ty& actual() { return *(static_cast<Derived_Ty*>(this)); } }; class Derived : public Base<Derived> { public: void op1() { cout << "Derived op1" << endl; } }; class Another : public Base<Derived> { public: void op2() { cout << "Another op2" << endl; } }; int main() { Derived d1 { }; d1.op1(); d1.op2(); Another a1 { }; a1.op1(); a1.op2(); }
Template policy
Why is this important?
Template replacement for client-server association
For more information have a look at this article.
- Client creates server object (composition)
- Client has association to object
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename Server_Ty> class Client { public: Client(Server_Ty& srv) : server { &srv} { } void run() { // Contractual obligation to support // do_stuff(); // server->do_stuff(); } private: Server_Ty* server { nullptr }; }; // Template deduction guide allows Server_Ty // to be deduced as the association between client // and server is formed (via the ctor) // template <typename T> Client(T) -> Client<T>; class ADT { public: int do_stuff() { cout << "ADT" << endl; return 0; } }; class Another { public: void do_stuff() { cout << "Hello" << endl; } void do_more() { cout << "World" << endl; } }; int main() { Another server { }; Client client { server };; }
Class template specialisation
Why is this important?
Provide specialized implementations for particular types
- Explicit specialization
- Partial specialization
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class Processor { public: Processor(const T& init) : value { init} { } void process() { cout << "Base implementation" << endl; } private: T value { }; }; template <typename T> Processor(T) -> Processor<T>; template <typename T> class Processor<T*> { public: Processor(T* init) : value { init} { } void process() { cout << "Pointer implementation" << endl; } private: T* value { }; }; template <typename T> Processor(T*) -> Processor<T*>; template <> class Processor<std::string> { public: Processor(std::string init) : value { std::move(init) } { } void process() { cout << "std::string implementation" << endl; } private: std::string value { }; }; Processor(const char*) -> Processor<std::string>; int main() { Processor p1 { 100 }; p1.process(); int i; Processor p2 { &i }; p2.process(); Processor p3 { "Hello, world!" }; p3.process(); }
Function template specialisation – The Dimov/Abrahams example
Why is this important?
Understanding the Dimov/Abrahams example for function template specialization is the key to knowing why you shouldn’t ever specialize template functions!
See Herb Sutter’s article for more detail.
- Overload with non-template functions
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> void process(T param) { cout << "process for T" << endl; } // Placed here, this becomes a specialization // of void process(T) // // template <> // void process<>(int* param) // { // cout << "Explicit specialization for int*" << endl; // } template <typename T> void process(T* param) { cout << "specialization for T*" << endl; } // Placed here, this becomes a specialization // of void process<>(int*) // template <> void process<>(int* param) { cout << "Explicit specialization for int*" << endl; } int main() { int i { }; process(i); process(&i); }
Why is this important?
Conditional compilation idiom for template functions
For more information, and application, of this technique have a look at this article.
- SFINAE via invalid template parameter
- SFINAE via invalid return type
- SFINAE via invalid function parameter
- Use type alias to improve code readability
#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> using namespace std; // Aliases to aid readability // template <typename T> using is_floating_type = std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type; template <typename T> using is_other_type = std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>::type; // A - only enabled for floating-point types // template <typename T, is_floating_type<T> = true> void process(T param) { cout << param << " is a floating point type" << endl; } // B - Enabled for all non-floating-point types // template <typename T, is_other_type<T> = true> void process(T param) { cout << param << " is some other type" << endl; } int main() { process(100); // calls (B) process(17.6); // calls (A) }
Repetition is the key to competence. More importantly, you should practice the things you are bad at, the things you find most difficult, more often.
This set of kata represent a small set of all the possible exercises you could (and should) practice in C++. I’m sure you have your own. I’d be interested to hear the kata you regularly practice.
- Practice makes perfect, part 3 – Idiomatic kata - February 27, 2020
- Practice makes perfect, part 2– foundation kata - February 13, 2020
- Practice makes perfect, part 1 – Code kata - January 30, 2020
Glennan is an embedded systems and software engineer with over 20 years experience, mostly in high-integrity systems for the defence and aerospace industry.
He specialises in C++, UML, software modelling, Systems Engineering and process development.