Getting started is always the hardest thing…

I’ve been procrastinating for the best part of a couple of months now getting this blog started. First of all I do feel a little late to the party, has blogging been surpassed by tweeting? Strangely I’ve actually been using twitter in anger since late march (@feabhas) and I’ll cover my experiences of that in a later post.
So what is the aim of this blog? My hope is to cover, in a no-nonsense manner, aspects centered on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (RTES) Software. My key areas of experience and/or interest are:

  • Programming – mainly C and C++
  • Design – “Real-Time” UML
  • Platforms – Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and Embedded Linux

Orthogonal to this is looking at Competency and Training relating to RTESs, significantly:

  • How well do we prepare graduates for developing software for RTESs?
  • Can e-learning replace Instructor-led-training (ILT)?
  • Can we define a set of skills and knowledge that characterise competency for RTES development?
  • Is Software Engineering Engineering?

Finally I will likely splatter my postings with random thoughts and observations derived from my love of gadgets (king among them is my iPhone), being a geek-Dad (seeing what my kids are learning at school) and involvement in the wider embedded systems community through being a track chair for the Embedded Systems Conferences (ESC).

Niall Cooling
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Co-Founder and Director of Feabhas since 1995.
Niall has been designing and programming embedded systems for over 30 years. He has worked in different sectors, including aerospace, telecomms, government and banking.
His current interest lie in IoT Security and Agile for Embedded Systems.

About Niall Cooling

Co-Founder and Director of Feabhas since 1995. Niall has been designing and programming embedded systems for over 30 years. He has worked in different sectors, including aerospace, telecomms, government and banking. His current interest lie in IoT Security and Agile for Embedded Systems.
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5 Responses to Getting started is always the hardest thing…

  1. Hello, Niall.

    Having come late to the party myself (couple of personal blogs as a practice run for the business blog in the making), I'd say that getting people to comment on the blog is probably the hardest thing. So here's one from me for encouragement.

    Thanks for introducing me to the RTES acronym; it's a handy one for all of us in the business. However, one could ask which business. I looked it up at

    and there are three other definitions, as well. Two of them could occasionally cause confusion so it's as well to be aware of them if any of your postings stray into the encryption or expert systems fields (unlikely, but possible).


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  2. Hi Niall,

    I'm into Embedded Training and Consulting as well. Some things I'm talking about are similar to yours. Others (like time management also in combination with managing embedded software projects) are very different. In addition to English I offer my stuff in German as well. I would love to cooperate on some consulting/training projects in the future.



    Robert Berger
    Embedded Software Specialist

    Reliable Embedded Systems
    Consulting Training Engineering
    Tel.: (+30) 697 593 3428
    Fax.:(+30) 210 684 7881

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  3. Anonymous says:


    I would like to follow your blog by RSS, but using IE8 I get:

    Internet Explorer cannot display this feed

    This feed contains code errors.
    Go back to the previous page.

    More information

    End tag 'head' does not match the start tag 'link'.
    Line: 22 Character: 3

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  4. David Paulson says:

    Hi Niall - thanks for starting a blog on RTES (I'll start using this term) topics. You (and Mr Cooling Sr.) did some training with our team here in Roseville Calif and you and your folks are most definetly industry experts.

    Can I suggest a few other possible topics to explore ?
    - priority assignment schemes
    - memory use issues and optimization
    - writing portable firmware
    - about 10 billion other topics ??

    I'll look forward to new postings -
    See you,
    Dave Paulson

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  5. JJ says:

    Wish to follow your blog closely. Nice informative posts. Keep writing more...

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